Have you ever got stuck some ware and just about 6'ft away from you there is a pay phone, but yet you dont have any change(=( bummer) to call your famaly members or some one to come and pick you up(hehe that sux)?
Well im going to show you some thing that might get you arrested(shit now what) or it might get you home( now thats what im talking about!)its a chance that you have to take depends were are you.
Ok now before we go on let me let you know that this is not thateasy to do, but anyways lets start. A pay phone is not like a regular home phone. A pay phone runs through a diffrent amount of electricity and wires even the electricity flow is diffrent, Well anyways that is enoght of electrical talk lets get to the good part.
Ok to get free call's on a pay phone you will frist have to twist the phone wire just about 50 to 60 times then you will pull on the phonewire untill the metal part crackes off phone keep doing it if the metalpart is completely off the phone.
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